Travel & Charter

There is a sense of wanderlust in the air here. Exploring new areas, discovering unknown restaurants in the harbors in the evening, enjoying nature and the sea during the day - this is the world of charterers, whose numbers are growing from year to year.
Being able to choose the destination of your choice and the right boat, free from a home marina and a specific weather zone - that's what makes chartering so appealing.
And when additional information from tourist boards or maritime destinations is added to the mix, then it really comes into its own.

Charter & trip advice

The charter and trip advice service offers INTERBOOT visitors free, impartial advice on all aspects of travel and charter. Whether it's detailed information on individual areas or questions for beginners – the experts are available to all INTERBOOT visitors with their specialist knowledge on cruising issues.

Michael Amme

Michael Amme is a freelance journalist and photographer who has produced travel and water sports reports for many magazines and daily newspapers. He has been working regularly for YACHT magazine for 15 years, and his assignments have taken him to almost every well-known charter area in the world. Born in Hamburg in 1966, he studied geography and seafaring and has been sailing around the world ever since he got a taste of the sea. Despite long sailing trips in the Caribbean and South Seas, the Mediterranean is still one of his favorite areas.

Jürgen Straßburger

Our man with a keen sense for great and unforgettable motorboat trips is Jürgen Straßburger. Born in 1945, the journalist and author has been on the water since the 1960s. In the 70s and 60s, still a passionate sailor at the time, he undertook numerous ferry trips for renowned charter companies in the Mediterranean. At the end of the 80s, his hobby became his profession: he took over the helm of the travel department at the motorboat magazine BOOTE until 2010. The cult boat "TROLL" took him on countless research trips to all inland and coastal areas of Western and Central Europe. Since 2010, he has been working as a freelance author of several inland and coastal manuals.